Crystal Pineapple Sorbet

Crystal Pineapple Sorbet

A refreshing sorbet flavored with crystallized ginger.

Total TimeTotal Time:
90 minutes



1 can (8 oz.) DOLE Pineapple Chunks

2 tablespoons orange flavored liqueur

1 tablespoon minced crystallized ginger

2 tablespoons pistachios diced

optional coconut milk


  1. Empty contents of can into a zip-top bag.  Freeze overnight.  At least 20 minutes before serving, remove pineapple from freezer. Break up contents of bag.  Add liqueur and ginger to blender. Add half the frozen pineapple.  Cover; blend until smooth.  Stir. Add remaining pineapple. Cover; blend until smooth. Stir if necessary. Spoon mixture into serving glasses. Top each with pistachios.
    TIP: Add 2 tablespoons of coconut milk for creamier texture.

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