Mixed Berry Earl Grey Bubble Tea

Mixed Berry Earl Grey Bubble Tea

(2018 Pairings Recipe) A refreshing bubble tea flavored with mixed berries.

Total TimeTotal Time:
40 minutes



8 ounces boiling water

2 tablespoons plus ½ cup granulated sugar divided

2 black tea bags

4 ounces plus 2 cups water divided

½ cup DOLE Chef-Ready Cuts Diced Strawberries, pureed

¼ cup dried tapioca pearls

2 tablespoons frozen DOLE Blackberries

2 tablespoons frozen DOLE Raspberries

as needed ice cubes

1 ounce whole milk


  1. Bring 8 ounces water and 2 tablespoons sugar to a rapid boil and immediately pour over tea bags in a separate bowl or heat-safe container. Allow tea bags to steep for 10 minutes and remove, making sure all liquid has drained from pouches. Place in refrigerator to cool.
  2. Whisk 4 ounces water, strawberry puree, and ½ cup sugar together in a small saucepot over high heat until rapidly boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Pour in a bowl or heat-safe container and place in refrigerator to cool.
  3. Combine dried tapioca pearls and remaining 2 cups water in a small saucepot over medium heat and simmer for approximately 12 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and cover for an additional 10 minutes to cook throughout.
  5. Remove pearls from cooking liquid using a slotted spoon or strainer, and reserve in cooled berry simple syrup.
  6. Place blackberries, raspberries, and 1/4 cup of cooked tapioca pearls in berry syrup in a 16-oz. glass and top with ice. Pour chilled tea and whole milk in glass and gently stir with a spoon.  Serve immediately. 

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