Toasted Pecan Pineapple Sauce

Toasted Pecan Pineapple Sauce

The perfect Pineapple Pecan sauce for any dessert.

Total TimeTotal Time:
15 minutes



4 cups DOLE Pineapple Chunks in Extra Light Syrup

3 cups orange juice

6 tbsp. sugar

3 tbsp. cornstarch

1 tbsp. ground ginger

6 oz. (1-½ cups) chopped pecans toasted

4 oz. (1-½ cups) flaked coconut toasted

1 tbsp. orange peel grated


  1. Combine pineapple juice, orange juice, sugar, cornstarch and ground ginger in pan.  Stir until smooth.  Cook over medium heat until sauce beings to boil and thickens slightly.
  2. Stir in pineapple tidbits, pecans, coconut and orange peel.
  3. Serve over angel food cake, pound cake or ice cream.

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