Might I?

Might I?

A frozen cocktail with avocado orgeat, highlighting Dole Pineapple juice, with lime and a corrected bitter orange simple.

Total TimeTotal Time:
20 minutes



Might I?

6 oz orgeat or Avocado Pit Orgeat (sub-recipe)

8 oz DOLE 100% Pineapple Juice

6 oz lime juice

6 oz bittered DOLE Mandarin Syrup (sub-recipe)

4 oz overproof spiced rum

4 oz rhum agricole

ice, as needed

mint sprig, for garnish

DOLE Mandarin Orange Segment, skewered for garnish

Bittered DOLE Mandarin Syrup (sub-recipe)

1 #10 Can DOLE Mandarins in Light Syrup

1 qt sugar

1 qt water

6 zested oranges

Avocado Pit Orgeat Sub-recipe (optional)

4-5 avocado pits

3 cups sugar

3 cups water


Might I?

  1. Add ingredients into a blender. Add ice until just above the meniscus of the ingredients.
  2. Blend until smooth and serve in a rocks glass.
  3. Garnish with mint sprig and skewered mandarin orange.

Bittered Mandarin Orange Syrup

  1. Empty DOLE Mandarins Can into a large pot and set to low heat.
  2. Add sugar, orange zest and water and bring to a simmer for 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool.
  3. Blend until smooth and strain through a fine mesher.

Avocado Pit Orgeat (optional)

  1. Make sure avocado pits are clean and dry. Scrub off any excess avocado and leave to dry-out overnight or under heat.
  2. Add avocado pits into a blender and blend until the shreds are fine and consistently sized.
  3. Over medium-high heat, toast the avocado shreds, constantly moving the pits around in the pan until they turn bright orange.
  4. In a bowl or saucepan, stir together the toasted pits, sugar and water and stir. Use only half the water for a richer syrup. Allow to infuse overnight.
  5. The next day, return mixture to blender and blitz to combine. Strain and store in squeeze bottle.

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