Tropical Iced Teh Tarik

Tropical Iced Teh Tarik

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20 Ceylon Tea Bags

10 cups Boiling Water

¾ cup + 3 tablespoons Sweetened Condensed Milk

5 tablespoons of DOLE #10 Can Mixed Tropical Fruit Tidbits in Juice, strained and reserved, juice

½ teaspoon Salt

1 ¾ cups + 2 tablespoons DOLE #10 Can Mixed Tropical Fruit Tidbits in Juice, strained and reserved, fruit

Ice, as needed


  1. In a large heat safe pitcher, steep the tea bags in the boiling water for 5 minutes then remove the bags and let cool for about 5 minutes, or until the tea is warm.
  2. Add the sweetened condensed milk, fruit juice, and salt to the warm tea, and gently stir until homogenous.
  3. {"To pull"=>"pour a little over 1 cup of the tea mixture into a stainless-steel frothing tin, and carefully pour the tea from the tin into a glass, making sure to gain as much height as possible while pouring. Repeat until tea is frothy, roughly 5 times."}
  4. In a serving glass layer ice with 3 tablespoons of tropical fruit tidbits and pour the pulled tea over. Serve with a large straw. Repeat for each serving.

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