Sunrise Pizza

Sunrise Pizza

A quick and easy pizza that can be served for breakfast or a quick grab and go item. K-12 crediting: 1/2 cup fruit, 2 oz. equivalent grain. 

Total TimeTotal Time:
15 minutes



4 whole wheat waffles

1 cup DOLE Chef-Ready Cuts Sliced Bananas

¼ cup lowfat whipped cream cheese

1 cup DOLE Mandarin Oranges drained

2 teaspoons honey

dash ground cinnamon

optional frozen DOLE Raspberries


  1. Prepare waffles according to package directions
  2. Spread waffles with cream cheese.
  3. Arrange banana slices on top, overlapping.  Arrange mandarin oranges in center of each pizza. 
  4. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.  Garnish with raspberries, if desired. 
  5. Tip: Easily substitute pancakes or whole grain toast for waffles.

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