Spiced Cherry Cuba Libre

Spiced Cherry Cuba Libre

A flavorful twist on a classic featuring DOLE Sweet Dark Cherries, spiced rum and sparkling cola.

Total TimeTotal Time:
5 minutes



1-¼ oz. spiced rum

1 oz. Sweet Dark Cherry Mix recipe below

2 oz. cola

1 cup frozen DOLE Dark Sweet Cherries

⅔ cup simple syrup

¼ cup Fresh Sour Mix


  1. Fill old fashioned glass with ice.  Pour rum, cherry mix and cola over ice.  Garnish with lime squeeze and cherry skewer, if desired.
  2. Sweet Dark Cherry Mix:  Combine 1 cup DOLE Dark Sweet Cherries, partially thawed, 6 oz. (2/3 cup) simple syrup and 2 oz. (1/4 cup) fresh sour mix in blender.  Cover; blend until small pieces of cherries are visible.

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