Gone Fishin

Gone Fishin

Gone fishin'.

Total TimeTotal Time:
5 minutes



¾ oz. whiskey

¾ oz. triple sec

⅛ cup DOLE Chef-Ready Cuts Diced Strawberries, pureed

2 oz. Fresh Agave Sour Mix recipe below

1 cup fresh lemon juice

1 cup fresh lime juice

1 cup water

1-½ cups agave nectar


  1. Combine whiskey, triple sec, strawberry puree and agave sour mix in shaker with ice. Cover; shake vigorously. Strain into 14 oz. glass filled with ice. Garnish with strawberry, if desired.

    Fresh Agave Sour Mix: Combine 1 cup fresh lemon juice, 1 cup fresh lime juice, 1 cup water and 1-1/2 cups agave nectar in 1/2 gallon container. Stir until well blended. Cover; refrigerate until ready to use. Makes 4-1/2 cups.

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