Dole Mango Salsa

Dole Mango Salsa

A sweet and fresh salsa to serve with anything from nachos to chicken.

Total TimeTotal Time:
15 minutes



2 cups DOLE Chef-Ready Cuts Mango Cubes partially thawed

¼ cup red bell pepper finely chopped

1 tbsp green onion chopped

2 tsp chopped fresh cilantro

2 tsp jalapeno chiles chopped

1 tsp lime peel grated


  1. Combine mango cubes, bell peppers, onion, cilantro, chiles and lime peel in small bowl. Serve salsa at room temperature or slightly chilled.

    Tip: Mango salsa can also be served as a dip with tortilla chips, spooned over quesadillas, grilled chicken breasts, fish fillets or tacos.

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