Pan Seared Beef Filet with Feta Cheese and Blackberry Chocolate Port Sauce

Pan Seared Beef Filet with Feta Cheese and Blackberry Chocolate Port Sauce

A beef filet with feta cheese, covered in blackberry chocolate port sauce.

Total TimeTotal Time:
45 minutes



1-½ cups crumbled feta cheese

⅓ cup fresh Italian parsley chopped

6 (6 oz. each) beef filet

salt and ground black pepper to taste

3 tbsp. olive oil

2 cups frozen DOLE Blackberries

1-½ tbsp. packed brown sugar

1-½ cups chocolate port

additional berries for garnish partially thawed


  1. Mix together feta cheese and parsley in medium bowl. Set aside 1/3 cup mixture for garnish.
  2. Slice a slit large enough to stuff with cheese filling on one side of each filet (the skin or the smaller side). Season with salt and pepper, if desired.
  3. Heat olive oil in large skillet and sear fillets on both sides until well browned (do in 2 batches if necessary); set aside. Save drippings and oil in skillet for sauce. Set skillet aside.
  4. Carefully stuff filets with cheese mixture and place stuffing side up in baking pan just large enough to hold them.
  5. Bake at 400 F. 10 to 15 minutes, depending desired degree of doneness.
  6. Thaw and heat blackberries in microwave oven 2 to 3 minutes. Push blackberries through fine mesh strainer with back of spoon; discard seeds. Stir in brown sugar.
  7. Heat skillet with pan juices over high heat. Add chocolate port and reduce by half. Add berry puree and reduce by half again until somewhat syrupy.
  8. Spoon berry sauce over each filet to serve and garnish each with remaining cheese mixture and additional berries.

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